Top Artists Specializing in Melanated Skin


About the List

Kevin Laroy, an accomplished artist and trusted expert in the industry, has curated a list of Top Artists Specializing in Melanated Skin. Tattooing black and brown skin requires expertise in contrast, composition, and healing. Explore the top in the industry, handpicked by Kevin Laroy, exclusively for CO:CREATE.

About Kevin Laroy

“I’ve been tattooing for 19 years, and from the very start, I made it my mission to be an advocate for tattooing black and brown skin.”

-Kevin Laroy

“Tattooing melanated skin is an art form, and it deserves the same level of expertise, respect, and visibility as any other skin tone.”

-Kevin Laroy

“The artists on this list don’t just tattoo melanated skin—they celebrate it, they understand color theory, dimension, contrast, and longevity.”

-Kevin Laroy

Curation Criteria

Kevin Laroy’s selections were based on the following criteria: 

  1. Technical Expertise – Artists with a deep understanding of how ink heals on melanated skin, using contrast, saturation, and open skin to create lasting work.
  2. Artistic Excellence – Whether it’s black and gray, color realism, or illustrative work, their skill is unmatched.
  3. Design and Composition – Creators of bold, balanced designs that highlight and complement melanated skin.
  4. Commitment to Representation – Advocates celebrating black and brown skin in their work.

Top Artists Specializing in Melanated Skin

Curated by Kevin Laroy

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