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Blackwork geometric mandala dotwork sleeve



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The artist

Mitch B

Virginia Beach, Virginia

MitchB is the owner and resident artist at GreyScale Tattoo Gallery in Virginia Beach, VA. MitchB is a first generation, multi-award winning, self taught tattoo artist, husband and father who started his professional journey tattooing in 2014. Mitch has been specializing in custom one-of-a-kind tattoos ever since. Sacred Geometry has been the main focus of his tattoos since 2017 and he continues to grow, learn, and expand his Sacred G every day; pouring his heart and soul into every tattoo while manifesting eye-opening experiences in life changing moments through the art of tattooing.

Tattoo info


This price covers getting this design tattooed by this artist.

Scheduling info


Your appointment must take place no later than 6 months after purchasing.

Scheduling notes

Once the tattoo purchased, you will be connected via email with Mitch to be scheduled for the session. Please note that if you haven't selected a pre-drawn design from Mitch B's concept page, the final design will be presented on the day of your tattoo appointment.

Design details

1 of 1


Blackwork, Dotwork, Geometric, Mandala


Black Gray


Mitch B 2024